Company principle:
„We are small but grew up to tasks so we are hopefully Reliable, Exact, Precise and Cheap for our customers and can fulfill both sides requirements”
Taking into consideration the hungarian social, economical conditions and the growth of the electronic industry our company shapes its provisions and tries to offer more options continiously. Prudently choosen and regularly trained colleagues are working for us. They take into account on the highest level the customers need and they try to do their best in a controllable, definitive way. We are engaged in protecting the environment in order that we use the least harmful technologies and technics also regularly renew the conditions of using these. Our suppliers has the ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 cerification. The experiences up to now makes us to say that we can develop quality management, give newer training courses time by time to our colleagues and we have significant practical experience.
We can declare that we are competitive and up-to-date on the field of repairing electronic products!
We are not a wordwide company yet. Although we can offer our provisions at any place in this country and fulfill the highest requirements. The company has not billions of authorized capital yet despite we are honest and have willing to do the best. Beside we have skilled workers. We are flexible either in special requirement implementing or price calculating. After all we carry on getting more and more customer and we offer : Reliable, Fast, Prime provision
For this we do our job with professional calling and on business basis.